Kerry Massage Essential Oils

kerry oils the love and the flow

Kerry Massage Therapeutic Oil Blends - Available Now!

To inquire about purchasing, Call or Text: 201.681.5626

Choose from Love and Flow Essential Oil Blends. Retails at $50 for 30ml.

Love and Flow Essential Oil Blends- New at Kerry Massage!

A couple of years ago I decided I had too many oil blends. I decided to make just two that would encompass some of the major issues that stress our whole beings. That said, I can always make one of my previous oil blends made to order whenever you need.

For now, I'm excited to introduce Love and Flow!

The Love blend combines therapeutic grade essential oils that help balance the lower vibrational emotions of fear: sadness, anger, anxiety, and depression, helping to bring some calm into your being. Place a dropper full to your heart center, abdomen, back of the neck, feet, or wherever it feels right to you. The energy of the oils go where they need to.

Ingredients: Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Lemongrass, Vetiver, Rosewood, Lavender, Sage, Mandarin, Cardamom, and organic fractionated coconut oil. 30 ml dropper bottle

The Flow blend combines therapeutic grade essential oils that help with circulation, stagnation, muscle aches, or tension in the body which can be physical or brought about through mental stress. Mixed with organic fractionated coconut oil. Apply a dropper full anywhere you feel tension, aches or lack of flow.

Ingredients: Camphor, Lavender, Lemongrass, Cypress, Clary Sage, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Tumeric, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Sage, and organic fractionated coconut oil. 30 ml dropper bottle

Kerry Massage Therapeutic Oil Blends

Kerry Fernandez