Therapeutic Cupping

This remarkable ancient therapy uses negative pressure, rather than tissue compression (massage), to release rigid and soft tissue, drain excess fluid and toxins, loosen adhesions, lift connective tissue, bring blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin and remove congestion from joints among many more benefits. Excellent for lymph drainage and stimulation, cellulite, face rejuvenation, digestion, physical pain, headaches, anxiety, depression and fatigue.
Silicon Cupping, Fire Cupping, Small Foot Cups with Magnets and Small Facial Cups (no marks on the face) are the tools used. Generally there may be some signs of impurities in the shape of these cups that show up during the treatment and sometimes linger for a few days to up to 2 weeks. If you prefer not to have any sign of cupping, simply let me know and I will only Massage Cup you. You will still receive many benefits from this treatment